manchester burglar alarms and cctv since 1977
HBA - Local Manchester experts on domestic & commercial security
HBA has been in business since 1977. We appreciate and wish to retain or customers. We do not advertise our services and we appreciate our clients who very kindly recommend us to their friends and colleagues. Customer service is very important to us. If you have any questions, or you require the service of an engineer please do not hesitate to get in touch. We will endeavour to get back to you swiftly and deal with your query to your satisfaction.
Scroll over the bell-box to update our look.
49 Neale Road
Manchester M21 9DP
49 Neale Road
Manchester M21 9DP
Tel: 0161 881 7324
07958 991 502
(Invariably the best number to use as we are always out of the office)
07958 991 502
(Invariably the best number to use as we are always out of the office)
About Our Team
Ian Henderson
Ian founded the company in 1977 and has an extensive knowledge of domestic and commercial security. With his movie star good looks these days he splits his time between projects in the USA and the UK, but if you are particularly lucky he may still come to your door on a call. -
James Henderson
When James is not saving Africa or 'shooting them up' for Tarantino he too can be relied upon to climb a ladder in the service of HBA Alarms' customers. The remaining members of our team
Please don't be too disappointed if the visiting engineers do not exactly match the above photographs!
Trusted Partners
Tiling - Arthur
Contact Arthur for the most beautiful tiled walls and floors imaginable (I am biased as he's my son!). Tel: 07771 967738